In Ayurvedic Astrology, the planets are categorized into Benefic, Malefic, Exalted, and Neutral.
Depending on your birth chart, some planets will be more influential than others. The placement and relationships between the planets at the time of your birth can greatly affect your personality, life events, and overall destiny according to Ayurvedic Astrology.
This implies that while some planets like Saturn or Mars are typically categorized as Malefic, they can have a Benefic influence for certain individuals under specific circumstances depending on the time that they are born.
The main purpose of this page is to introduce the concept of focusing on our personal favorable planets, rather than on planets that offer us enmity. This can be achieved through daily worship and prayer, as well as by choosing the holidays in which we participate.
On my ayurvedic astrology the planets Saturn and Mercury are own, while Venus and Mars are benefic to me. The Sun is neutral while the moon is exalted. Jupiter is my enemy.
This is explains why my Jupiter wealth spells never work out!
The next step is figuring out ways to incorporate this understanding to my life and I want to do that through holidays. Like Rituals, Holidays are temporal technologies, they help mark the passage of time, a method of housing oneself in the present moment.
On this page will be database of the holidays and festivals of certain deities, we will use to mark out the year. A special focus will be on the planets Saturn and Mercury as these are personal to me but it is advised to discover your own personal beneficial planets and invoke their energies in your own life.