What happens when you die?

DMT, Bhagavad Gita, Tibetan Book of the Dead and Mort

Hercules 12th Labour

Cerberus the 3 fold Nature of Death

Channels, prana, and chakras are involved in death as well as life. Most mystical experiences as well as experiences in the intermediate state after death result from the opening and closing of energy points. Many books reporting on the phenomena of near-death experiences contain descriptions of various lights and visions that people experience as they begin the death process. According to the Tibetan tradition, these phenomena have to do with the movement of prana. The channels are associated with different elements; during the dissolution of the elements at death, as the channels deteriorate, the released energy manifests in experience as light and color. The teachings go into great detail about which colored light corresponds to the dissolution of which channel, where it is in the body, and to which emotion it is related. There is considerable variation in how these lights appear to people at death, because they are related to both the negative emotional and positive wisdom aspects of consciousness. The average person experiences emotions at death, and the dominant emotion determines the lights and colors that manifest. Often there is, at first, only an experience of colored lights in which one color is primary, but it may also be the case that a few colors are predominant or that there is a combination of many colors. The light then begins to form different images, as it does in dream: of houses, castles, mandalas, people, deities, or almost anything else. When we are dying, we may relate to such visions as either samsaric entities, in which case we are governed by our reactions to them in moving toward our next birth, or as meditative experiences, which allows us the opportunity of liberation or at least the possibility of consciously influencing our next birth in a positive direction.