The sense of sight allows us to perceive colour and shape. There are 2 kinds of Sight, Out-Sight and In-Sight (4 if you count foresight and hindsight but that’s beside the point).
Out-Sight is the one you are used to, you use it everyday with your eyes to see the world around you. Insight is the one perhaps that you are less used to using. It is the eye inside your head, your imagination, your Third Eye, which you may use to imagine all sorts of colours shapes and imaginary events throughout the day.
The stranges thing is the shapes and colours you see with In-Sight follow the same patterns as you See with your own Two material eyes.
We can use this function of our brain to manifest our desires, change our neurological make up and enact change in our world. Through Visualisation techniques and practices we can Visualise in detail the type of world we want to live in and call on energies that correspond to our desires and our dreams.
Note the Correspondences between Colour and Shape within this page. By regularly imagining these shapes and colours within the scope of our inner eye and our energy field we begin to pry open the seals of our reality.