Frequency + Intention = Healing

Songaia is a term coined by Ani Williams, a harpist, singer, composer, and sound therapist. Songaia is a form of sound therapy that combines the use of music, sound healing, and nature to promote relaxation, balance, and well-being. The practice involves the use of various musical instruments, including the harp, voice, and percussion, as well as natural sounds like bird songs, water, and wind.

Ani Williams is a renowned harpist, singer, and composer known for her contributions to the field of sound therapy. She has released over 20 albums and has performed at various festivals and events around the world. In addition to her music career, Ani Williams is also an author, teacher, and healer, and has written several books on sound therapy, including "The Harp and the Healing Sound" and "Songaia: The Hidden Language of the Soul". She is considered a leading expert in the field of sound therapy and has helped many people to find healing and inner peace through her music and teachings.



