Beware of doubting: Erase suspicion of us, for we are God's creatures who have reigned, do reign, and will reign forever. All our mysteries will be known to you, etc. Behold, these things and their mysteries will be known to you, except for the secrets of Him who reigns forever. (A multitude answered, singing, "Whose name is great forever.") This was said on November 16, 1582, by Bralges, the last of seven princes concluding the first book with his words.
King Carmara immediately spoke as follows: "Open your eyes, and you shall see from the highest to the lowest. The peace of God be upon you." This was said on November 17, and the book records Venite, gradatim repetamus opera Dei, etc. Many came upon the convex surface of the transparent globe and said, "We are ready to serve our God."
This work will have relevance to the present time and its use, to mysteries far exceeding it, and finally, to a purpose and intent whereby the majesty and name of God will, and may, and must appear, with the apparition of His wonders and marvels yet unheard of. Dixi. This was said on November 19 by Camara.
Note: Just as Uriel and Michael were present at the beginning of this art and gave authority to Camara to order the whole, they also appeared again at the conclusion, and Raphael was with them. Michael concluded the second book with these words: "Merciful is our God, and glorious is His name, which chooses His creatures according to His own secret judgment and good pleasure. This art is the first part of a threefold art, joining man (with the knowledge of the 1st world, the 2nd government of His creatures, and the 3rd sight of His majesty) unto Him, which is strength, medicine, and mercy, to those that fear Him. Amen." This was said on November 19 by Michael.
"You have a work of three proportions in esse, of seven in form, which is divided by a number septenary, of the course, state, and determination of things above, things next, and things below, which of itself is pure, perfect, and without blemish," said King Carmara on November 21 in the appendix to the second book.
"Oh God, how easy is this first understanding! You have been told perfectly, plainly, and absolutely not only the condition, dignity, and estate of all things that God has framed, but also with all, you were delivered the most perfect form and use of them," said Carmara on November 21.
"Just as God is just, His judgments true, His mercies unspeakable, so are we the true messengers of God, and our words are true in His mercy forever. Glory (oh glory) be to Thee, oh most high God. Amen." This was said by King Carmara on November 17.
There are several additional paragraphs that appear in HM, Sl. 3191. The figure standing in the midst of the globe signifies nature. In the first point, the use and practice of this work is described, which pertains to the first part: the book contains three kinds of knowledge: the knowledge of God truly, the number and doing of His angels perfectly, and the beginning and ending of nature substantially.
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"The final age is now upon you, which will be revealed to you. (Uriel, November 15, 1582)
The mysteries of God have a time, and behold, you are provided for that time. (Michael)
The sons of men are subject to my commandment, and their sons are subject to them. This is a mystery which I have spoken of. Note it thoroughly: they are my servants. By them, you will work miracles. (Hagonel, November 16)
There are kings who are false and unjust, whose power I have augmented, subverted, and destroyed, and so shall you. (Hagonel, November 16)
The second assembly were the governors of the earth, whose glory (if they are good) the weapons we have taught you will augment, and consequently, if they are evil, pervert. (Same, same time) I am Bornogo. This is my seal, this is my true character. Whatever you desire from me shall be fulfilled. Glory to God. (Bornogo, November 16)”
Behold, my power lies in imparting wisdom through my words. What I teach you is entrusted to me by God for your education. Look upon your duties carefully, for you are yet to be revived from your spiritual death. Give thanks to God for his blessings upon me, which I will bestow upon you. Our God is mighty, who walked on the waters and sealed me with his name. His glory is infinite. You have written to me, but you do not yet know me. Use my teachings in the name of God, and I will be ready at the appointed time to reveal the miracles of the seas. Befafes
You desire comfort and strength in your labor, and I am the mediator of God's medicine. What I speak is not of myself, nor is what is spoken to me from myself, but it is said by him who lives forever. God has granted you these mysteries through his great mercy. I have answered your doubts, and you shall be filled with the perfect knowledge of God's mysteries and mercies. Carmara
Do not abuse these teachings, but be faithful and use mercy. God will enrich you. Banish wrath, for it was the first and greatest commandment. I reign by him and live by him who reigns and lives forever. These were the words given to me by Annael in the year 1581.
"I have shown you perfectly. Behold, I teach you again. Oh, how merciful is God that reveals such great secrets to flesh and blood. You have 42 letters. Your tables last, contain so many, etc. [Signed] Carmara. [Dated] November 17th.
When you will work for anything pertaining to the estate of a good king, you must first call upon him, who is their prince. Secondly, the ministers of his power are six, etc. [Signed] Carmara, at the same time.