Tree of Life Frequencies
This table presents the frequencies associated with the Sephirot (spheres) of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Each frequency corresponds to a specific Sephirah, representing different divine attributes and emanations:
- Crown Triad: Keter (1092 Hz), Chokmah (430 Hz), and Binah (187 Hz) represent the highest spiritual realms
- Ethical Triad: Chesed (982 Hz), Geburah (298 Hz), and Tiphareth (757 Hz) embody moral and emotional qualities
- Astral Triad: Netzach (644 Hz), Hod (870 Hz), and Yesod (320 Hz) relate to psychological and astral aspects
- Physical Realm: Malkuth (532 Hz) represents the material world and physical manifestation
Daath (1554 Hz), while not traditionally one of the ten Sephirot, is sometimes included as a hidden sphere representing knowledge and consciousness.