The question of why we work has been asked countless times throughout history, and the answers are as diverse as the people who ask it. In a previous article, we explored the spiritual and philosophical perspectives on the reasons why we work, as described in the Bhagavad Gita and Samael Aun Weor’s teachings.

This time, we’ll focus on a related question: what type of work should we pursue? In this article, we’ll examine three categories of work: work for someone else, work for yourself, and work that benefits everyone.

Additionally, we’ll explore the proto-Indo-European concept of a “king” and how this idea can be applied to modern-day work. Our goal is to provide you with a better understanding of the type of work that aligns with your personal and professional goals, as well as the kind of positive impact you want to make in the world.

Types of Work: Choosing Your Career Path

When it comes to deciding what work to pursue, there are three broad categories to consider: working for someone else, working for yourself, or working for the benefit of everyone. Each type of work has its unique benefits and challenges, and the choice ultimately depends on your personal and professional goals.

Working for someone else involves being employed by a company or organisation and receiving a salary or other benefits in return. This type of work offers stability, security, and often opportunities for career advancement, but may be limiting in terms of creativity and personal fulfilment.

Working for yourself involves starting your own business or working as a freelancer, providing greater autonomy and potential for higher earnings, but also entailing greater risk and responsibility.

Working for everyone’s benefit involves pursuing work that contributes to the greater good, such as volunteering, activism, or working for a nonprofit organisation. This type of work may offer a greater sense of purpose and fulfilment, but may not provide the same financial security as other types of work.

Ultimately, the choice of what work to pursue depends on various factors, including personal values, skills, financial needs, and career goals. It is essential to consider all of these factors when deciding on the type of work that aligns with your aspirations and values.

The Role of the Proto-Indo-European King and its Relevance to Modern-day Work

The Proto-Indo-Europeans were an ancient people who lived long ago and are believed to be the ancestors of many modern-day European and Asian populations. They spoke a language that is the ancestor of many modern languages, including English, Spanish, Hindi, and Russian. The society was hierarchical, with kings, priests and warriors at the top and farmers and laborers at the bottom. They had a rich mythology and religious system, including gods and goddesses associated with natural phenomena and human activities. Today, the legacy of the Proto-Indo-Europeans can be seen in many aspects of modern culture and society.

In proto-Indo-European society, a “King” was not just a ruler, but also a provider and protector. The word for “King” in proto-Indo-European, *h₃rḗǵs, is believed to derive from the root *h₃reǵ-, which means “to straighten, to direct, to lead.” This suggests that the role of the king was not just to rule, but also to guide and direct the people towards a common goal.

This ideal of the “King” can be applied to modern-day work. Instead of simply seeking personal success and financial gain, individuals can strive to be “King” in their respective fields, providing guidance, direction, and protection to those around them. This could involve mentoring others, seeking to make a positive impact on society, or promoting ethical and sustainable practices in their industry.

By adopting this mindset, individuals can find greater fulfillment in their work, as well as make a positive impact on those around them. They can also help to create a more just and equitable society, in which everyone is encouraged to use their skills and talents for the greater good.

Work for Everyone’s Benefit: Finding Fulfillment and Making a Positive Impact on Society

When considering what work to pursue, it is important to think beyond personal fulfillment and financial gain. Work that benefits everyone, such as volunteer work or working for a nonprofit organization, can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling, while also making a positive impact on society.

There are several ways to work for the greater good, including volunteering at a local food bank, working for an international aid organization, pursuing a career in fields like education, healthcare, or social work, or using your skills and talents to promote social justice, environmental sustainability, or other causes you care about.

While work for everyone’s benefit may not offer the same financial rewards as other types of work, it can provide a greater sense of purpose and fulfilment, as well as opportunities for personal and professional growth. By working for the greater good, you can develop new skills, build relationships with like-minded individuals, and gain a deeper understanding of the issues facing our society.

Ultimately, the decision of what kind of work to pursue depends on personal values, skills, financial needs, and career goals. However, by considering the benefits of working for everyone’s benefit, individuals can find new ways to use their skills and talents to become modern day “Kings” in their own right, making a positive impact on the world while also finding personal fulfilment in the process.