The Sator Square is a word square that consists of a Latin palindrome: "Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas." It is a 5x5 grid of letters, where the words can be read horizontally, vertically, and even diagonally. The meaning of the phrase is still debated, and it has been associated with various interpretations and uses throughout history. The Sator Square is often found in archaeological sites and has intrigued scholars and enthusiasts for centuries. The Sator Square has been found in various locations, including Pompeii, Herculaneum, and other archaeological sites in the Roman Empire.
On this page we will delve into solving the Sator Square using gematria and other ciphers as well as exploring the meaning of the words of the square to perhaps find a possible use for it.
For more widely accepted information on the Sator square, please refer to the Wikipedia page.
<aside> 👉 When rearranged, the letters can form a cross that spells out "Pater Noster," which means "Our Father" in Latin. It is a reference to the Lord's Prayer. This is how we derived the name Pattern Roster.
The results of decipering the sator square through gematria and Pythagorean reduction are as ever inconclusive. I have tried methods of using the Hebrew tone with the solfeggio tones for the solar and crown chakras as a kind of middle pillar exercise and or just using the Hebrew tone on its own. This was years ago and I eventually let it go to pursue other avenues, however I trust that there is something here for the right person.
The words in the Sator Square are as follows: